Sunak’s moment

Sunak has a chance to seem statesmanlike given the current crises in the middle east and in Ukraine, though it will be economics at home, how fast inflation and interest rates fall that will dominate the domestic situation at home. Does he pursue a twin approach ?.

By holding the Blue wall through extensive tax cuts next year and also parts of the Red wall through social conservativism and an exit from the ECHR, this may well be a canny approach to his travails. With polling showing to back a exit if the rwanda plan is blocked.

On the economic front there is the hope of a pick up in economic activity mid next year when inflation will be forecasted to be around 3%. This will also be the point when the BoE starts to cut the base rate. Timing and events , events , will be crucial to whether Sunak faces.

A wipeout, or dare i say it a minority goverment. Unlikely that now seems on present polling it has to be said.

Red Toryism

Red Toryism is what will save the Conservatives, not small statism, that is what the Red wall would ultimately favour. Good government and moderate to generous social spending to get to a decent Gini co efficent level to something like French levels. There might be something to..

be said of the Danish Peoples Party approach social security chauvinism, graduated levels clear favoured policy in spending to favour existing British citizens and not new Arrivals. This would protect the trust in the system of national cohesion in social system.

Another tenet of this philosophy a hybrid almost syncretic one would be the introduction of Workers on FTSE 100 boards helping to set executive pay. This is needed to reset the Grotesque disparity between the workers at these Companies , everyone else in the Country.

On Landlordism

More taxes on Landlords mean higher rents, more demand driving up pressure on supply. More exiting the market. Almost like it’s a deliberate Government policy to shrink the market, if you can’t buy and aren’t living at home still what are people supposed to do.

Ironically a freer Rental market can help renters due to a degree of reduced competition for rooms, flats , space etc. Though Landlords who charge far above the market rate who have borrowed irresponsibly are to blame as well.

If you are a responsible landlord and charge at or somewhere below theMarket rate and keep property well maintained and clean. Landlords directly save the Government money so anti landlordism might be popular but until there is enough supply of affordable and social housing, housing associations etc it will remain a fallback for many.

Starmer on Europe

Sunak dropping housing targets was the death knell, after that they don’t deserve to win, at least with Labour we would get Dynamic alignment on EU trade standards so that whenever EU regulations changed so would ours which is both sensible for ease of trade and general order.

Honestly Starmer needs to communicate his Europe policy far more effectively so it isn’t left to people scrolling through some Labour list article about the granular details of it to make sense of what he is trying to communicate to people, on the Face of it what he has said..

On what is effectively some sort of close alignment through keeping up with EU standards on Trade regulations, this would be a great win for the business community compared to the Conservatives disruption of trade and erected barriers through multiple checks and customs controls